Table of Contents
Before We Begin
Some Questions To Consider
+Where there is a choice – teacher should choose a selection for the entire year – or only make changes at the semester so that there is more repetition and consistency.
+Each teacher will have different preferences for student requests. Each should determine how requests/responses should look – even write them beneath the questions – then be consistent throughout the year.
How do I enter the room?
Royal March of the Lion (1)
Where do I sit?
In My Carpet Spot
On the Music Go Round dots
- Write the student’s name on the blank dots
- Use the Carnival of the Animal dots
- Use the blank colors for pairs or groups of three, etc.
When is Circle/Group time?
Fossils (12)
How do I line up?
Tortoises (4) OR *Animals with Long Ears (8) – slowly and carefully
How do I walk in the hall?
The same way we walk to line up!
Line up music could be played from tablet to reinforce expectation.
How do I clean up/put away?
Hens & Roosters (2) OR Kangaroos (6)
How do I move from one activity to another?
Mules (3) OR Birds (10) – transition time
What are we doing next?
Schedule can be “posted” using Carnival Printables
- Hung in order of the day’s activities (can be changed)
- Placed around the room
- Held up by teacher as introduction to activity
- Held up or pointed to as music plays
How long are we going to be doing this?
Until you hear the “clean-up” music.
Be ready for the next activity when the “clean-up” music stops and “transition” music begins!
When do I rest/nap?
Aquarium (7) OR *The Swan (13) – transition to nap
How do I rest/nap?
Lie quietly on your nap mat until rest time is over.
Cuckoo in the Woods (9) – time to wake up! (quiet transition to waking, approx 2 min.)
When can I talk?
Raise hand
Hold dot in the air
When teacher calls on you
At center/recess/lunch time
Anytime the teacher is not giving group instruction
How do I ask a question/get help?
Raise hand
Hold dot in the air
Place your dot (name written on blank dot, assigned animal dot) in designated area so teacher can see who needs attention
How do I get supplies?
Pianists (11)
What if I need to go to the restroom?
Place your dot on the restroom spot, take it off when you have washed your hands!
When is it time to go home?
Finale (14) – get things ready to go home!
What if I’m hurt/sick?
Let the teacher know
What if my friend touches me?
Let the teacher know
Establish call/response attention getter.
“I say Carnival, you say Animals: Carnival – Animals! Carnival – Animals!”
- Teacher raises/shows “Finale” Dot when they say “Carnival,” students raise/show their animal Dot when they say “Animals.”